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7 easy ways to make extra money each month without any experience

On this page you'll find all the best ways to make money in your spare time whilst at home with no experience required. I am currently doing a money saving series call the 7-day Start up, where I look at various small business you can start in a week! So don't forget to tune in to the show, I went into more details with this post on my podcast episode 9.

Listen to the podcast here:

1. Rent out your car

If you don't mind someone driving your care and you don't use your car for long periods in the week. You should consider if it’s worth the wear and tear on your car, of course but you can sign up to any of the peer-to-peer car hire services.

Extra money: about £40 a day depending on your vehicle

Earn money by renting out your car
Earn money by renting out your car

2. Rent out your parking lot (central London/ major train stations) -

If you live in Central London (zone 1-3) or around any major train stations anywhere else, you can rent out you parking spot to commuters and tourists who require a parking spot cheaper than the available parking options. This tip can work pretty much anywhere across the UK or beyond if you have a coveted parking spot! If you happen to already park in your spot but are eligible for council subsidised street parking, it might be worth paying for you to park your car on the street then rent the actual parking spot on your driveway. Sign up to either of the three top sites to rent your parking to paying guests.

Extra money: £10 - £500 a day depending on location.

3. Body Modelling

Hand and leg models for ads – not a sex thing; you can sign up for any body modeling agency if you feel certain parts of your body look really cute. Its a lot easier to get body part gigs than general modelling full body gigs. There is a high demand for male ethnic hands and feet in particular.

Sign up here for any of the two most popular agencies;

Extra money: about £200+ per gig.

Hand modelling can earn you extra money
Hand modelling can earn you extra money

4. Closet + home clear out

Clear out any unused and unworn items you have in your closet on Facebook or Depop. Don't bother too much with clothes which are from high street stores unless they are jackets, statement pieces or hand bags. They are easier to sell and always in demand.

Extra money: Varies

Sell any unused items you have in your home
Sell any unused items you have in your home

5. Charity Shop steals and sell old items in your home

If you have spare time when you are on major high streets you can also rummage through charity shops for some fashion finds, unique home items and sell them for higher prices on either of these resale platforms. Look for bags, suits, and statement jackets as the resell value is consistently higher with these items.

You might already have some items at home which can be sold as well. Items which might have previously been used for wedding decoration can also be sold in 'decor bundles' on Facebook marketplace. If you got married recently and have your wedding dress in storage, you might consider selling it on, Facebook or Depop.

You can also swap clothes at clothes swap parties where you exchange new clothes you have with others on a like for like basis which saves you money on buying new clothes. Check out the next ESM swap party here: Upcoming Events

Extra money: Charity up-sells, £300+ monthly for consistent sales

6. Airbnb Hosting- Rent your home

You can earn up to £7500 tax free without needing a tax return due to the RENT A ROOM scheme (more details here). However with Airbnb there is a 90 day limit for short term lets for each calendar year but that is plenty of time to rent your space out if you live there full time but want to rent out space part time.

Also, be careful about renting out rooms in an apartment or house that you don’t own. Always check with your landlord and get their permission first—you don’t want to get evicted for violating your lease. You can always ask your landlord directly if you are not sure.

Also for an added bonus, there are lots of Airbnb wannabe's in your circle who don’t have the time or desire to manage their properties themselves. You can make their lives a lot easier (and earn money) by managing the properties yourself by co-hosting for a percentage of each booking yo manage for them. You could also offer additional services like organising cleaning, welcoming new guests to the property to cleaning the place in between stays.

Extra money: about £100+ a day in Central London, £80 per night per room on average elsewhere.

7. Airbnb Experiences Host

The latest thing i have stumbled on is the Airbnb experiences. This is a perfect way to make money by offering tourists a unique experience. You set up a gig similar to putting your flat on the app. However this experience can be anything like a music class, immersive language experience or a walking tour. Literally anything you want to share with guests that can be classed as a unique experience will be well received.

Extra money: £50 per guest (up to groups of 10 for each event) - depending on experience offered

And there you go! 7 ways to make some easy money without needing any experience, try them and leave a comment below with your thoughts xx



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